Photographs and text by David Maisel
Essays by Gary Snyder and Marcia Bjornerud
144 pages; 103 reproductions; 4 x 6 inches; casebound
Book design by the artist and Bob Aufuldish, Aufuldish & Warinner
Published by Ivorypress
Publication Date: Spring 2018
ISBN: 978-84-945096-2-9
In the most recent publication in the LiberArs series, Mount St. Helens: Afterlife, David Maisel invites us to explore the ruins that remain after an act of savage and inescapable destruction: the eruption of a volcano. The book is a reflection on nature’s capacity for regeneration through violence and destruction. As Marcia Bjornerud says in the essay that accompanies Maisel’s photographs, “Its story is no longer merely about death and devastation but also, paradoxically, survival and resilience.”
For more information, please visit Ivorypress.