At The Edge Of The Knowable
Reprinted from Proving Ground, Radius Books, 2020
A Landscape Of Silence
Reprinted from Proving Ground, Radius Books, 2020
Field Notes: Art, Space, and Politics at the Edge of Skull Valley
Reprinted from Proving Ground, Radius Books, 2020
An Exquisite Problem
Reprinted from Black Maps: American Landscape and the Apocalyptic Sublime, Steidl, 2013.
The Language of Logging
Reprinted from Black Maps: American Landscape and the Apocalyptic Sublime, Steidl, 2013.
Eliciting Anxiety in the Presence of the Sublime
Reprinted from Black Maps: American Landscape and the Apocalyptic Sublime, Steidl, 2013.
A Dread So Close to Zero
Reprinted from Black Maps: American Landscape and the Apocalyptic Sublime, Steidl, 2013.
City of Forgetting
Reprinted from Black Maps: American Landscape and the Apocalyptic Sublime, Steidl, 2013.
Unrecoverable Spin
Reprinted from Black Maps: American Landscape and the Apocalyptic Sublime, Steidl, 2013.
Infinite Exchange
Reprinted from Black Maps: American Landscape and the Apocalyptic Sublime, Steidl, 2013.
Opening the Tomb: Supernature, Beautiful Decay, and Ruination
Published online by Drain Magazine, 2012.
On Entropology: The Vivid Waters of David Maisel and Robert Smithson
Reprinted from Elevating Western Art, Denver Art Museum, 2012.
Mineral Kinships
Reprinted from Library of Dust, Chronicle Books, 2008.
Graves of the Insane, Decorated
Reprinted from Library of Dust, Chronicle Books, 2008.
When the Whole is Indecipherable
Reprinted from Terminal Mirage catalogue, 2005.
Report from the Lake
Reprinted from The Lake Project, Nazraeli Press, 2004.